BENJAMIN CLEMENTS (circa 1725 – after 1779)

NC/SC County
Benjamin Clements
King Wm

a) Benjamin Clements, 400 acres Petso/Petsworth Parish roll, Gloucester Co.,Va. in 1704
b) Benjamin Clements, 500 acres Ware Parish roll, Gloucester Co., Va.  (In 1694 Benjamin Clements of Gloucester Co., Va., inherited from Edward Crefield of London the real and personal estate Mr. Crefield owned in Virginia. This was bequeathed to Benjamin Clements of Ware Parish) I do not see this one in the 1704 Quit Rent Roll
c) Benjamin Clements, 500 acres in Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Co., Va. in 1704. (there was also an Abbington Parish tax on 600 acres that was listed as “tax due King William” for this Benjamin Clements)
d) John Baker, 250 acres in King William Co, VA in 1704 (King William Co., Va. was once a part of James City, one of the eight early shires of Virginia. It was formed into a county in 1701/2. A patent dated Oct. 23, 1703 was given to John Baker. In 1704 John Baker was on the Quit Rent Roll for 250 acres of land. This came to be the land of Benjamin Clements by a deed acknowledged June 20, 1704 by John Baker)
George Clements
King William
Miry Br
“George Clements of St. Margaret’s Parish” was a planter and sold to William Aylett 25 acres on Miry Br.  The land was patented by John Baker (pt of 500 acres total on middle br of Herring Ck and Miry Br) in 1703, sold to Benjamin Clements in 1704, and willed to Benj son George Clements prior to 1721. This land adjoined land of his brother (which one is unknown)
George Clements
King William
Thomas Clements sold his brother George Clements land in King William County, VA
George Clemens

George Clemens said to have died 1 Feb 1725 in Bertie Co VA (this from the book Clemens Family Chronicle 1610-1912)
George Clements
Rocquiss Swamp
John Herring Jr and wife Rebecca to George Clements 100 acres on Roquiss Swamp adj Richard Fryar for 40 pounds on 9 Feb 1729, wit. Henry Gustan, John Edwards, Henry Edmunds
George Clement

George Clement deeded to John Herring Jr one negro called Dick on 20 Nov 1729, wit. Wm Jones, John Hatcher
George Clements

George Clements died in Bertie County – will dated 22 Feb 1729, will probate May 1730, wife Susanna, sons George, Benjamin, dau Elizabeth, leaves his wife Susanna land on Rocquis Pocosin, Bertie Co, NC, wit: Thos Busby, Geo French, Wm Smith
1741-1746 – Bertie County, NC is reformed and the western counties with no boundaries include Edgecombe, Craven, and Bladen Counties
The red marker shows the approximate location of New Hope Ck, Bush Ck, Haw River which was now in Craven County
(unknown if this was the location of the George Clements family between 1730 and 1749)
1746 - Johnston County, NC formed from Craven County, NC
The red marker shows the approximate location of New Hope Ck, Bush Ck, Haw River in Johnston County
NC County
Benjamin Clements

Benjamin Clements petition for 400 acre land warrant in Johnston Co NC at Council at New Bern


No Clements in Johnston Co NC quit rents
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements grant for patent for 400 acre land warrant in Johnston Co NC at Council at New Bern


No Clements in Johnston Co NC quit rents
1752 – Orange County, NC formed from Johnston County, NC
The red marker shows the approximate location of New Hope Ck, Bush Ck, Haw River in Orange County
Orange Co NC home to less than 100 settler in 1748, about 4000 in 1752, then by 1767, highest pop in NC with over 16000
NC County
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements sold 105 acres to Luke Bynum (may actually be the same deed as the ne in 1756)
Benjamin Clements

Valentine Brasswell entered 150 acre warrant on Walnut Br to include the improvements of Benjamin Clements (Braswells were in Cumberland County NC within 5 years)
Benjamin Clements
New Hope Ck
Bush Ck
Benjamin Clements received a land survey for 210 acres in Orange Co NC on New Hope and Bush Ck

Cumberland County, NC formed from Bladen County, NC
Benjamin Clements

Thomas Davis surveyed 122 acres on Walnut Br, waters of New Hope to include the improvement of Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements
New Hope Ck
Bush Ck
Benjamin Clements received a land grant for 210 acres in Orange Co NC on New Hope and Bush Ck (land surveyed 1753)
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements sold 105 acres to Luke Bynum
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements sold 105 acres of land in Orange Co NC to John Hatley/Hadley (Wm Bynum bought 382 acres from Jno Hartley on New Hope Ck 1763, it was in SE Orange Co NC – pt that became Chatham Co NC)
Benjamin Clements
Haw R
Benjamin Clements received a land grant for 486 acres on north side of Haw River in St. Matthews Parish, Orange Co NC
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements sold 80 acres to John Edwards in Orange Co NC
Benjamin Clements
Haw R
Benjamin Clements sold Joseph Copeland 406 acres on Haw R in Orange Co NC (Copeland sold the 406 acres in 1761)
Benjamin Clements

Edward Tatum of Halifax Co NC to James Kirby of Halifax Co NC 350 acres Orange Co NC along Great Bush Ck adj Benjamin Clements and John Hatley, wit: John Falconer (James Kirby sold land on Bush Ck in 1761 that was on Bush Ck adj William Bynum)
Benjamin Clements
“Benjamin Clements of Orange Co NC” bought 334 acres in Johnston Co NC on Middle Creek, Neuse River, from Wm Bynum of Orange Co NC, wit: Charles McCuller (Wm Bynum lived in Orange Co NC after 1752 when it had been formed from Johnston at Fishing Ck)
Benjamin Clements

Edward Tatum/William Churton (who was connected with Joseph Copeland) warrant/survey in Orange Co NC for 640 acres along Bush Ck adj Benjamin Clements and John Hatley
Benjamin Clements

Benjamin Clements was mentioned in the estate papers of widow Patty Stephens in Johnston Co NC
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements bought land from Luke Bynum
Benjamin Clements

Benjamin Clements, John Edwards, and Haw River adjoined a 700 acres land entry made by James Broom in Orange Co NC.  Luke Bynum also had a 700 acre grant on Haw River in 1761
Benjamin Clements
“Benjamin Clements of Orange Co NC” in Cumberland Co NC record
Benjamin Clements

Benjamin Clements on Cumberland Co NC tax list
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements Jr

BC and BC Jr mentioned in a deed in Cumberland Co NC
1770 – Wake County NC formed from Johnston County NC
1770 – Chatham County NC formed from Orange County NC
The red marker shows the approximate location of (1) New Hope Ck, Bush Ck, Haw River in
Chatham County, (2) Swift and Middle Ck in Johnston County, and (3) Black Ck in Johnston County
NC County
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements Jr
Reuben Clements

Benj, Benj Jr, and Reuben Clements were in Chatham Co NC with Charles Stewart, John Hatley, John Bynum, and John Stewart (all previously connected to the Clements
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements Jr
Reuben Clements
William Clements

Chatham County military returns (23 Sep 1772), Muster of Captain Isaiah Hogan’s company – ensign William Clements, pr Benjamin Clements, pr Benjamin Clements Jr, pr Rubin Clements, pr William Bynum, pr John Bynum, pr Edward Tatum, pr John Stewart, pr Charles Stewart (could this William have been the son of George Clements of Bertie Co, NC), Wm and John Hatley, John Oldham
Benjamin Clements
Wake Cumberland
“Benjamin Clements of Wake Co NC” buys land
Benjamin Clements
Hannea Clements
New Hope Ck
Benjamin Clements and wife Hannea sold 108 acres on N side of New Hope Ck, E side of Lick to James Bell (relative of William Bynum)
Benjamin Clements

Barnaby Camay bond to Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements
Wake Johnston
Swift Ck
“Benjamin Clements of Wake Co NC” buys 150 acres in Johnston Co NC on north side of Swift Ck from Benjamin Johnson (land first from John Carrel to Sill Johnson and passed to Benj Johnson the to Clements)
Culliver Clements

Moved to Rutherford Co NC from another location in NC (presumably Wake Co NC, the home of his father Benjamin Clements) at the beginning of the Revolutionary War
Benjamin Clements
Haw R
Benjamin Clements sold 243 acres on Haw River (from 486 acre land grant of 1758) to Thomas Tucker, Haw R is in Chatham Co
Benjamin Clements

Thomas Tucker sold 243 acres on N side of Haw River near Lick Br to James Bell (this land was originally a pt of the Benjamin Clements 1758 grant for 486 acres on Haw R) (Thomas Tucker completed an apprenticeship with Elenor Clements in 1768)
Benjamin Clements
James Clements
H Clements
Wake Johnston
Swift Ck
“Benjamin Clements of Wake Co NC” sold 150 acres in Johnston Co NC on borth side of Swift Ck, (land first from John Carrel to Sill Johnson and passed to Benj Johnson the to Clements), witnessed by James Clements, deed signed by Benja (B) Clements, and wife Hana Clements
James Clements

In Cumberland County with Stewart families
Benjamin Clements
“Benjamin Clements of Wake Co NC” sells land
Culliver Clements
Ninety Six SC

Culliver Clements listed at “Battles of Ninety Six” in 1781 (Roster of Patriot Soldiers at Battle of Ninety Six)
Culliver Clements

Culliver Clements left Ninety Six District SC after the Revolutionary War and returned to Rutherford Co NC (AL Rev War Residents, 1776-1783)
James Clements
Benjamin Clements
James Clements
Black Ck
“James Clements of Johnston Co NC” sold 100 acres in Johnston Co NC on Black Ck, wit: Benjamin “B” Clements, James Clements (NOTE: Charles Stewart lived on Black Ck, married Elizabeth Clements and later moved to Lincoln Co TN – where Reuben Clements children moved also) (where did this land come from?)
Reuben Clements
“Reuben Clements of Cumberland Co NC” buys land, this is the location of the Stewart family into which he married
Charles Clements
Benjamin Clements
Black Ck
“Charles Clements of Johnston Co NC” bought 386 acres in Johnston Co NC on Black Ck, wit: Benjamin “B” Clements
Moore County NC formed from Cumberland County, NC
James Clements

James Clements listed in Johnston Co NC in Fishes District
Circa 1787
Culliver Clements

Culliver Clements lived in Rutherford Co NC for approximately 5 years before removing to a different location (presumably to Pendleton SC) according to (AL Rev War Residents, 1776-1783)
Charles Clements
Jesse Clements
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadway Ck
Rocky R
Charles Clements purchased 133 acres on Broadway Ck and Rocky River, witnesses Jesse Clements and Coliver Clements - 1789

William Bynum and dozens of other families from Chatham Co NC relocated to Pendleton Co SC
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC

Charles Clements listed in 1790 Pendleton SC census – 3M>16, 1f.  Also in Pendleton was Eleonor Clements – 1M>16, 2M<16, 2f
Reuben Clements

Reuben Clements listed in 1790 Cumberland NC census – 1M>16, 5 children, 1 slave
Jesse Clements
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC

Jesse Clements sold to Culliver Clements two wagons and some livestock – 20 August 1790
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Savannah R
Charles Clements received 871 acre plat on Cherokee Ck, a branch of Savannah River, Ninety Six District, 5 November 1792, also mentioned Peter Hall, James Millwee, Samuel Smith
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck Hencoop Ck
Pea Ck
Rocky R
Charles Clements received 641 acre plat on Cherokee Ck Ninety Six District 5 November 1792, also mentioned Edward Graham, Robert McCann, William Washington
Charles Clements
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadway Ck
Rocky R
Savannah R
Charles Clements received 826 acre plat on Broadway Ck Washington Dist, also mentioned James Clements, William Halbert, James Milwee, John Oldham, Richard Oldham, John Pollock, William Walker
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC
Rocky Ck
Rocky R
Reuben Clements granted 331 acres on Rocky Ck
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC

Charles Clements owns land on Cherokee and Barber Creek (vol 31, page 40)
Reuben Clements
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Big Rocky Ck
Rocky R
Reuben Clements received 402 acre plat on Big Rocky Ck Ninety Six Dist, also mentioned James Clements, Reuben Clements, Robert McCann, Ambrose Nickles
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC

Reuben Clements lived somewhere between Watermelon Ck and Hencoop Ck in 1793 as he oversaw the road in this vicinity.
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC

Broadway Ck
Rocky R
Reuben Clements witnessed a deed between George Dilworth and Richard Oldham for land on Broadway Ck and Rocky River
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Rocky Ck
Savannah R
Christopher Williamson sold to Charles Clements land on Cherokee Ck – 28 Nov 1793
Jesse Clements
Pendleton SC

Barkers Ck
Little R
Jesse Clements mentioned on John Robinson 211 acre plat on Barkers Ck and Little River Ninety Six Dis, with John Luney, James Martin, John Miller, John Robinson, James Wardlow
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Barkers Ck
Charles Clements of Ninety Six Dist bought from John Cart 614 acres on south fork of Barkers Ck in Ninety Six Dist for 50 pounds, witness James Jack (his father in law)
Charles Clements
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC
Reuben Clements witnessed a Charles Clements deed on 22 November 1794
Charles Clements
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Rocky Ck
Savannah R
Charles Clements to Nathaniel Reed land on Cherokee Ck (pt of Williamson 1793), witnessed by Reuben Clements – 22 Nov 1794
Reuben Clements
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Rocky Ck
Rocky R
Reuben Clements sold 331 acres on Rocky Ck of the Rocky River to Joel Brazeal (father in law , wit – James Clements (Reuben’s son would marry a Brazeal) (the 133 acres warrant of a 1792 grant to Reuben Clements)
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadway Ck
Culliver Clements bought of John Oldham land on Broadway Creek on 7 February 1795 (one day before Jesse Clements purchase)
Jesse Clements
Pendleton SC
12 Mile Ck
Jesse Clements bought land on 12 Mile Ck on 8 February 1795
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadway Ck
Rocky R
James Clements bought land on Broadway Ck from Richard Oldham on 26 March 1795
Reuben Clements
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Rocky Ck
Reuben Clements purchased from John Oldham land on Rocky Creek of Rocky River, adjoining the farm of James Clements, on 21 January 1795. 
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadmouth Ck
Broadway Ck
Pea Ck
Saluda R
Charles Clements received 450 acre plat on Broadmouth Ck Ninety Six Dist, also mentioned Benjamin Arnold, J Bell, Joseph Brown, Charles Clements, Peter hall, John Oldham, Richard Oldham, Thomas Reddin, William Van, Andrew Williamson
Jesse Clements
Reuben Clements
Benjamin Clements
Charles Clements
James Clements
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC

Jesse Clements died in 1795 and the estate buyers were Culliver Clements, Reuben Clements, Benjamin Clements, Charles Clements, and James Clements.  The sale was certified by Culliver Clements, Charles Clements, and Benjamin Clements
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC

Charles Clements mentioned on the Benj McCance plat for 221 acres on Hencoop Ck, Cherokee Ck, Savannah R, Pendleton Co, Ninety Six Dist, also Jas Allen, John Burdine, John Forsythe, David Greer, James McConnell, John Norwood
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Charles Clements sold 100 acres to Nathaniel Reed on Cherokee Ck
Culliver Clements
James Clements
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC
Rocky Ck
Savannah R
Culliver Clements received a plat 15 December 1797 for 214 acres on Great Rocky Creek, Rocky Ck, Savannah River in Pendleton County, Ninety Six District, SC.  Surveyed by David Greer and names included are James Clements, Reuben Clements, John Huger, David Greer (surveyor), and Thomas Thackston (SC Dept of Archives and History online plat search)
James Clements
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Rocky Ck
James Clements received a 175 acre plat (on same day as Culliver Clements – 15 Dec 1797) on Big Rocky Ck, Rocky River, Little Rocky Ck, in Ninety Six Dist (surveyed 17 Jan 1795), also mentioned on the plat doc – Banj Arnold (surveyor), Charles Clements, John Huger, James Clements
Culliver Clements
James Clements
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC

Broad Mouth Ck
Culliver Clements mentioned in a plat received by James Clements 3 December 1798 for 119 acres on waters of Broad Mouth Creek in Pendleton County, Washington Dist, SC.  Also mentioned are Walter Bell, David Greer, and John Harper  (SC Dept of Archives and History online plat search)
James Clements
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC
Broad Mouth Ck
James Clements received a plat for 199 acres on Broadmouth Ck, Little Rocky Ck, Saluda R, Savannah R, Pendleton Co, Washington Dist, also mentioned Walter Bell, Culliver Clements, James Clements, David Greer (surveyor), John Harper
James Clements
Benjamin Clements
Pendleton SC

Rocky Ck
James Clements and Benjamin Clements witnessed a Rocky Ck land deed 2 March 1799
Charles Clements
Culliver Clements
Pendleton SC
Broad Mouth Ck
Charles Clements received a 151 acre plat (plat originally surveyed for Culliver Clements 14 Jan 1797) on Broadmouth Ck, Saluda R, Pendleton Co, Washington Dist, also mentioned on the plat doc – Joseph Brown, Charles Clements, Culliver Clements, David Greer, David Oliphant, Samuel Smith, James Todd, Andrew Williamson
Charles Clements
Agnes Clements
James Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Savannah R
Charles Clements of Pendleton to Roger Murphy 335 acres on Cherokee Ck and Savannah River (pt of a 641 acre grant to Charles Clements 5 Nov 1792), witnessed by James Clements, George Dilworth, dower released by Agnes Clements (wife of Charles Clements)
Culliver Clements
Benjamin Clements
James Clements
Reuben Clements
Charles Clements
Benjamin Clements
Benjamin Clements
Pendleton SC

Cully Clemmons (fam955) listed in 1800 census of Pendleton Co SC with Benjamin Clemmons (fam944), James Clements (fam813), Reuben Clements (fam811), Benjamin Clements (fam843), Benjamin Clements (fam903), Charles Clements (fam799), no Jesse-deceased in 1795
James Clements
Pendleton SC

Rocky Ck
Savannah R
James Clements mentioned in a John Williamson 177 acre plat on Watermelon Ck, Rocky R, Savannah R, Pendleton Dist, surveyed by William Bell, also Benj Arnold, Thos Thaxton, John Williamson
Charles Clements
Jackson GA

Walnut Br
Mulberry Fk
Charles Clements owned land in 1801 on Walnut Branch near Mulberry (William Stewart of Pendleton Dist, SC owned land stretching between Mulberry and Walnut)
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Broadmouth Ck
Charles Clements sold 200 acres to James Todd on Broadmouth Ck
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC

Cherokee Ck
Charles Clements witnessed a deed – Nathaniel Nall to John Murphy for 150 acre son Cherokee Ck
Charles Clements
Pendleton SC
Cherokee Ck
Savannah R
Charles Clements sold 150 (possibly 250) acres on Cherokee Ck of Savannah River to Roger Murphy, Agnes Clements wife of Charles released dower (land part of 871 acre grant to Charles Clements in 1792)
James Clements
Jackson GA
+ ?
Mulberry Fk
James Clements purchased land (already a land owner in county) on Mulberry Fork, Jackson Co, GA 16 Feb 1802 (Jackson Co GA deed bk B, p331)
Culliver Clements
Jackson GA

Culliver Clements, in about 1803, moved to Jackson County, Georgia (AL Rev War Residents, 1776-1783)
James Clements
Charles Clements
Benjamin Clements
Jackson GA

James Clements lived in McKeever District, Jackson County, Georgia on Mulberry Fork of Oconee River next to William Stewart (who was also from Pendleton Dist, SC) This according to the 1803 Jackson Co GA tax records – also there Charles Clements and Benjamin Clements
Culliver Clements
James Clements
Charles Clements
Benjamin Clements
Jackson GA

The Jackson County, GA land lottery list contained the names of Colver (Culliver) Clements, , James Clements, Charles Clements and Benjamin Clements (also William Clements Jesse Clements and Joanna Clements)
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC

Reuben Clements witnessed a deed between Othniel and Hezekiah Rice to Thomas Crow.  Reuben Clements also gave an oath to John Millwee in 1816 on this deed – 9 Jan 1807
Benjamin Clements
Pendleton SC

Rocky Ck
Rocky R
Benjamin Clements witnessed a deed between Thomas Thackston and Joseph Brazeale for 150 acres on Rocky Ck, Benjamin Clements also witnessed the dower release – 7 Oct 1808
Culliver Clements
Jackson GA
Mountain Ck
Walnut Fk
Culliver Clements paid taxes 1809 in Captain Wilson McKinney’s Precinct, Jackson County, GA for 228 3rd rate oak and hickory land acres, originally owned by Sewell of Jackson County, GA (Georgia Tax Records) also in the precinct – Davis Joseph (155 acres previously owned by Sewell on Mountain Ck adj Clements), George W. Beard (50 acres previously owned by Eppeson on waters of Walnut Fork adj Clements), Lemuel Winn (275 acres on Mountain Ck adj Cochrum), John Inzer (122 ares previously owned by Montgomery on Mountain Ck adj McCree), David Files (60/67 acres on Walnut Fork adj Clements), also on Walnut Fork – (Andrew) Armor, (James) Horton, John Bennet, Samuel Patton, Davis Joseph, Files, Glenn, Hamilton (precinct citizens also lived on and near Lake Mulberry, Mulberry Fork, Flat Ck, Indian Ck)
Benjamin Clements
Jackson GA
Little Mulberry Ck
Benjamin Clements paid taxes 1809 in Captain Samuel Windham’s Precinct, Jackson County, GA for 10 1st rate oak and hickory acres, originally owned by Jones on Little Mulberry Ck, adjoining (John) Puckett, also on Little Mulberry – (Elisha) Wynn, Reuben Windham, H Cup, Cobbs (other in precinct lived on Appelachee, Lake Mulberry, Mulberry Fork, Rocky Ck, Williamsons Ck, Indian Ck, Cedar Ck, Rose Ck)
Charles Clements
James Clements
Jackson GA
Mulberry Fk
Charles Clements and James Clements paid taxes on land in Captain Alexander H. Peter’s Precinct, Jackson County, GA. Charles Clements paid on 540 3rd rate oak and hickory acres originally granted to Charles Clements on the waters of Mulberry, adjoining (Benjamin) Watts, also nearby (Thomas) Wadsworth, James Clements paid on 10/10/10 acres in 1st, 2nd, 3rd rates low ground land, and 200/470 acres in 2nd and 3rd rate land originally granted to Stark on Mulberry Fork adjoining Gipson (others in precinct lived on Walnut Fork, Pistol Ck, Lake Mulberry, Mulberry Fork, Beaverdam, Little Mulberry)
Benjamin Clements
Jackson GA
Benjamin Clements 403.5 acres Jackson County GA (Georgia Colonial and Headright Plat Index, 1735-1866, vol WW, p327)
Benjamin Clements
Reuben Clements
Jackson GA
Pendleton SC

Jackson Co GA - no census record (lost census)
Pendleton District, SC –
p160A Benjamin Clements (1m over 45, 1F over 45, 6 children)
p159B Ben Clemmons (1M26-45, 1F over 45, 4 small children)
p159A Reuben Clemments (1M over 45, 1F over 45, 7 children, 0 slaves) p156B
B Clemments (1M26-45, 1F26-45, 2 small children, 2 slaves) and next door
J Clemments (1M over 45, 15 slaves)
another likely unrelated p149A Aaron Clemmons
Reuben Clements
Benjamin Clements
Pendleton SC

According to the 1810 census, Roger Murphy lived 2 households from Reuben Clements (p159) wm>45, wf>45, wm16-26, 3wf16-26, 2wm10-16, wf0-10 in Pendleton Co SC. Benjamin Clements (p160) wm26-45, wm16-26, wf16-26, wm10-16, 2wm0-10, 2wf0-10.  There was  B Clements and I Clements that are unrelated
James Clements
Jackson GA
James Clements – 4 January 1813 – was issued a document by State of GA to have 700 acres surveyed in Jackson Co GA.  He was currently living in GA, survey occurred 6 January 1813 (
James Clements
Jackson GA
Apalachee R
James Clements 610.25 acres Apalachee River, Jackson County, GA (Georgia Colonial and Headright Plat Index, 1735-1866, vol YY, page 220)
Culliver Clements
Jackson GA
Culliver Clements – 5 June 1815 – was issued a document by State of GA to have 450 acres surveyed in Jackson Co GA.  He was currently living in GA, survey occurred 20 July 1815 (
Charles Clements
Jackson GA
Charles Clements – 5 June 1815 – was issued a document by State of GA to have 300 acres surveyed in Jackson Co GA.  He was currently living in GA, survey occurred 21 May 1817 (
Charles Clements
Jackson GA
Charles Clements – 5 June 1815 – was issued a document by State of GA to have 300 acres surveyed in Jackson Co GA.  He was currently living in GA, survey occurred 16 July 1815 (
Culliver Clements
Jackson GA

Oconee R
Culliver Clements listed as owner of 235 acres on Oconee River in Jackson County Georgia in 1815 (GA Colonial and Headright Plat Index, 1735-1866, vol YY, page 221)
Reuben Clements
Pendleton SC

Reuben Clements gave an oath to John Millwee on an 1807 deed between Othniel and Hezekiah Rice on one part and Thomas Crow of the other
Charles Clements
Jackson GA
Watts Ck
Charles Clements 119 acres Watts Creek, Jackson Co GA (Georgia Colonial and Headright Plat Index, 1735-1866, vol XX, p 360)

1820 census
Reuben Clements – nowhere, probably in AL
Culliver Clements – nowhere, probably in AL
Charles Clements – Gwinnett Co GA (M>45, wife, 9 children, 3 in agr, 0 slaves)
James Clements – Gwinnett Co GA (M>45, wife, 0 children, 2 in agr, 12 slaves)
Benjamin Clements – none in GA, none the right age in Pendleton
Charles Clements
Fayette GA

Charles Clements drew 202 acres in Fayette Co GA in 4th GA Land Lottery